Sunday 16 October 2011

User interface-GUI and CLI with GNOME and KE

User operating system interface
User interface operating systems are those which support the interaction between user and machine. They are also called HMI means Human –Machine interface. The user interface depends on system to system and also on user to user. User interface not actually a part of the operating system, it generally runs in a separate program. There   are 2 types of user interface:
1)       Command line interpreter
2)       GUI (Graphical User Interface
Graphical User Interface:  The Latest trend is to make the user’s life simpler by providing an attractive, standardized and friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) which provides images, colors, graphics and icons. It is a mouse based window. It interacts with the user by the help of mouse pointer. The user moves the mouse according to its choice on any image or icon on the screen to represent files, photo gallery, directories etc. Its main advantage is it is responsive for the reduced number of context switches required for the GUI output functions.
First Graphical User Interface appeared on the Xerox Alto computer in 1973.Research taking place early 1970’s at Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) and developed by ALAN KAY, Douglas Engelbart and a group of other researchers.
Examples of GUI operating system
1)      MAC X OS
2)      Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows Vista
Examples of GUI  
1)      GOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment)
2)      KDE (K-desktop Environment)

 It is a GUI and a set of computers desktop applications for UNIX based operating systems. Initially CDE was available as a solution, but was never popular on LINUX system due to cost and licensing restrictions. It is an international project that managing file handling, task management with UNIX based operating system. It provides an attractive desktop for users and a platform for building applications. It provide freedom, accessibility, friendliness, organization .This is GNOME 1 version.

K-desktop Environment
It provides an environment for the Guilin is an applicable for UNIX not just LINUX (but was made on LINUX machine).In KDE there is a graphical toolkit and fully featured programming language called QT.QT is made by a commercial company called Trolltech. It also offers a rich set of major technologies like GNOME to improve the GUI or our PC’s desktop. It provides I/O libraries, XML –based GUI class, the component object model, KHTML etc. It has an excellent combination File manager and Web Browser called Konqueror.

Command line interpreter
The user interface is Command line interpreter. It has command based window. It waits for the user command and executes immediately and waits for the next command. Some operating system have command interpreter in their kernel but some use it as a separate program. The command interpreter itself contains a code to execute the command.
1)      DCL for VAX
2)      CLI for AOS
3)      SHELL for UNIX
Features provided by command interpreter:
1)      Create a file directory
2)      Delete a file directory
3)      Copy a file directory
4)      Compile a program
5)      Execute  a linked program
6)      Format a disk
7)      List the contents of file directory
8)      Abort a running program
How it works
1)      Firstly user types command in terminal. This command is then transferred from the terminal to the memory buffer
2)      Now find the valid command RUN. It passes the program name to the RUN program
3)      The RUN routine, with the help of system call, locates that file and finds its size.
4)      It will be check out that whether there is space for that size of program or not. If yes, then it will allocate it and if there is no space then it will generate error message.
5)      Now it will transfer the complied program file from disk to available memory locations and it has to right to execute this file. 



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